PS/IS 163
The Bath Beach School

Welcome to The Bath Beach School
Jared Shapiro, Principal
April Danks, Assistant Principal
Samantha Premmana, Assistant Principal
Our primary mission is to educate, motivate, and nurture students in a collaborative learning environment. A strong home-school partnership ensures success and encourages a love of learning, so that each child flourishes and develops the skills necessary to become a life long learner and a productive citizen.

Family Engagement Saturday
163's Book of the Month: February 2025

In MAE AMONG THE STARS, young Mae has a dream. She wants to see Earth from space. Her mom tells her she'll have to become an astronaut, says anything's possible if she believes it and works hard for it, and takes her to the library for books about space and astronauts.

Abuelo’s daily ritual of walking Sofia to school comes to a halt when he injures his ankle at a local landfill, leaving Sofia (aka Sofi) to wonder what she can do about the hazardous Mount Trashmore. Determined to make a difference, Sofi envisions transforming the grim site into a park, and takes on City Hall as she strives to prove the impact one determined kid can have.
NY Public Library Links
Online Tutoring, Homework Help, Test Prep & More! MORE INFORMATION HERE
New Utrecht Branch Library February 2025 Children and Teen’s Programs MORE INFORMATION HERE
Respect For All Week
2025 Summer Rising Program
NYCDOE is excited to offer Summer Rising once again to NYC students in grades K-8 this summer. The online application for 2025 Summer Rising seats will open on March 4.
Any student attending school in New York City, who is currently in kindergarten through eighth grade (in the 2024-2025 school year) is eligible for Summer Rising.
Project Open Arms Learning Session
The Science of Reading
2024-2025 School Procedures
Students must arrive at 8:15am — school hours are 8:20 am - 2:40 pm
Grades K & 1 will line up in middle school yard (by Bay 14th st)
Grades 2 — 5 will line up on 17th Ave. side
Grades 6 — 8 will enter through Main Entrance on Bay 14th St.
Dismissal: Grades K — 1 will dismiss at 2:30pm on Bay 14th St by gate
Dismissal: Grades 2 — 5 will dismiss at 2:35 on 17th Ave. side (door closes 2:40)
Dismissal: Grades 6 — 8 will dismiss at Main Entrance
Late Parent Pickup: Students will be brought to late room 114